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Welcome to St.Joseph's Nursery And Primary School Ambattur


Admission Procedures
 Fill and submit registration form before due date.
 Entrance exam.
 Personal Interview.
 Successful candidates are issued Admission forms.
 Submit the filled in applications with required attachments and receive hand book after paying fees in term installments or annually.
 Procure Text books and learning Notebooks as applicable from sales department.
 Purchase Uniform as per specifications available at the school.
 Obtain the color T-shirts, sports dress from the school sales department.
 Present the fee bill to the class teacher while joining the school on the first day and make entry in the Hand Book.
Admission and Withdrawals
 A Candidate seeking admission has to fill the registration form with the details.
 On the basis of the information the candidates will be examined in language, maths, and English of the class immediately below to that which he/she seeks admission.
 The School authorities have the right to reject any application before the entrance exam.
 The list of selected candidates will be put up on the Notice Board. He/She should get himself/herself admitted, paying all the fee, before the due date.
 If the candidate has previously attended any school, the Transfer Certificate/record sheet and the mark Sheet from the school last studied should be produced, at the time of admission.
 The candidate seeking admission must come with the parent (or the guardian if he/she is not living with the parent) to sign the application and the declaration for admission.
 Admission can be refused to a candidate, who is over aged or under aged for the class to which admission is sought.
 No Other Person except the one who signs the application form for the admission and declation will be entertained in the school to deal with the affairs of the pupil.
 Application for a Transfer Certificate can be made by writing to the Principal/Vice principal requesting for it.
 When an application of Transfer Certificate is made after a lapse of one year from the date of which the pupil actually left the school, a fine of Rs.5/- will be charged for each year thereafter.
 No Certificate (of any Kind) will be issued to anyone who has arrears in fee.