This school belongs to the group os schools managed by Chennai-Mylai Educational Society. The Arch Bishop of Madras-Mylapore, is the general Manager. It is administered by their Parish Priest of St.Joseph’s church, who is also the correspondent.
A Long left need for a good Catholic School at Ambattur was realized in 1986. A Great Visionary Fr.P.Lawrence Raj, The Parish Priest of St. Joseph, the Worker Church founded this school, built it up, established it as a Matriculation school. He handed over the Higher Secondary Division to the Cartmetile Nuns.
Rev.Fr.A.Divianjanthan succeeded Rev.Fr.PK.Mathew for the Academic Year 2014 as Parish Priest and correspondent.
Rev. Fr.Pascal took over the Parish and school after his demise. This year Rev.Fr.Andrew Dominic will lead the Flock of St.joseph’s Church and school as parish Priest and correspondent.
It is recognized by the government of Tamil Nadu, under the Matriculation School system.
We have 59 Teaching and Non-Teaching staff working, headed by Principal Mrs. Venita Edel. The Strength of the school from K.G. to STD V has gone over one thousand.
The Purpose and aim of the school is to provide an integral formation, a sound education, inculcating spiritual, social, intellectual, moral and cultural development of skills and talents in every child admitted in this school, as envisioned in the all India Catholic Education Policy 2007.
“Lighted to serve” is the motto based on the dictum of Jesus Christ:”Let the little children come to me” (Mt.19:14).